Gradient Color Code Generator
Current CSS Background
How to use Blurred gradient generator
Gradient Color Code Generator
Gradient Generator is a handy little tool that allows you to generate a CSS gradient out of an image. Simply upload an image, and you'll instantly get a color palette from it. You can then use the colors in the Copied to clipboard section to create your gradient in Photoshop or CSS.
You can also browse through these gradients to give you some inspiration for your work:
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Blurred gradient generator |
How to use Gradient Color Code Generator
A gradient panel will open up, where you can customize your gradient background color code. You can use sliders to give different values for the color picker.
Once you are happy with the generated blurred background, copy the code below and paste it in your website's css file or html file within style tag as shown below:
Hot to Generate Gradient Color Code
To generate gradient color code, you need to enter the two colors you want to generate the gradient from.
You can either enter RGB or HEX values for each of the colors, or you can select them from a color picker based on Color Hexa website. After entering your colors, select the type of gradient you want to generate (linear or radial), and then select the direction for the gradient.
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How to use Blurred gradient generator
To use Blurred gradient generator, you just have to choose the type of gradient and color and then download the result as an image.
There are four kinds of gradients: linear, radial, conic, and rectangular. A linear gradient is defined by its direction (from point A to point B) and its color stops (the colors along the gradient line). By default the start point is at top left corner and end point is bottom right corner.
With a radial gradient you can specify two circles which define the shape of your gradient. The first circle being positioned at center with a radius equal to zero will be filled with a solid color, while outer circle's radius determines where fadeout starts for each of the stops.
By changing color stop positions in this tool you can also achieve similar results as from Linear and Radial Gradient generators but with more flexibility in terms of visual appearance.
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